Elemental hand shape assessment 2.0: finger length vs palm size (earth, earth-fire, fire, fire-air, air, air-water, water).

MAY 4, 2017

Elemental hand shape assessment 2.0:
'finger length vs. palm size proportions'!

Finger length vs. palm size ratios confirm an old belief:
some elemental hand shape combinations do not appear to exist?

Earlier reports have pointed out that hand shape assessment was so far a matter build on diffuse guideline. In the days of The Cheirological Society (C.S.) only a sound proportional guideline - based on palm breadth measured that the central zone of the palm - had become available for the so-called 'Fire hand shape'. Discussions have been running since those days about whether some mixed hand shape combinations could actually exist or not. For example, the impossibility of a 'Earth/Water hand shape' concept was already recognized in those days and according the C.S. teachings also the 'Earth/Air hand shape' was recognized to wacky concept.

A new approach for the elemental hand shape assessment is presented here based on just the ratio of finger length versus palm size ratio, which presents a ranking sequence for the 4 major elemental hand shapes as follows: earth - fire - air water. Interestingly, this approach suggests (confirms) that basically only 3 elemental hand shape combinations are possible: Earth/Fire, Fire/Air & Air/Water - see picture above.

Elemental hand shape sequence for finger length vs. palm size:

water > air > fire > earth

(This sequence is found with the proportional formula: Finger Index = FL / [(PB+PL)/2] )

NOTICE: The hand shape combinations 'Fire/Water' and 'Earth/Air' can still be recognized to represent a conceptional possibility in proportional considerations where finger length does not get weighted in as separate measure (such as seen in for example the 'hand index' [PB/HL]), and in considerations where finger length [FL] only gets weighted with only 1 of both palm measures [PB or PL]. 'Earth/Water' always remains an impossibility in all proportional considerations based on the 3 basic measures [FL, PB & PL] used in elemental hand shape assessment.

Full hand shape (= hand index) vs. Elemental hand shape (= finger index).

Hand Index (= full hand shape) vs. Finger Index (= elemental hand shape)

Earth hand shape: very short finger length with large broad palm.

Earth hand shape (finger index < 0,7675):

very short finger length with large broad palm.

Typical additional features (not all required to be present):
broad/stiff fingers, thick/heavy square-like palm, few creases that tend to be short & wide.

Fire hand shape: short finger length with large (oblong) palm.

Fire hand shape (0,7925 < finger index < 0,8175):

short finger length with large (oblong) palm.

Typical additional features (not all required to be present):
dynamic fingers, irregular palm, straight/sharp deep creases.

Air hand shape: long finger length with small (broad) palm.

Air hand shape (0,8425 < finger index < 0,8675):

long finger length with small (broad) palm.

Typical additional features (not all required to be present):
knotty fingers, square shaped palm, long creases.

Water hand shape: very long finger length with small oblong palm.

Water hand shape (finger index > 0,8925):

very long finger length with small oblong palm.

Typical additional features (not all required to be present):
smooth slender fingers, thin palm, many fine narrow creases.

A few recommendations:

The history of hand shape assessment!
Understanding hand shape: evolution, genetics, sex, ethnicity & personality!
Hand shape gives a clue about Genes, Chromosomes & DNA!
Extraverts have wider palms, introverts have longer fingers!
Hands shape & biometry!
5 Hand shapes derived from the 'hand index': Hyperdolichocheri, Dolichocheri, Mesocheri, Brachycheri & Hyperbrachycheri


Martijn van Mensvoort - Hand Research

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