- Hand Sign Tutor: a scientific hand reading tool, ranks conditions for 300+ hand signs -
Simian line variants: single crease vs incomplete variants, transitional variants & normal variants!

» NOTICE: Many more details about this line here: SIMIAN LINES (14 sub-sections) «

Simian line / simian crease

(fused palmar transverse creases, a.k.a. 'single palmar crease')

Prevalence in general population (GP): common [~4% | 1:1 | weight: 1,00]

Most likely diagnostic options for a simian line - simian lines are generally about twice more common in Asians (ranked by 'weight' for the general population):


Cognitive inefficiency [~13% | 1:4 | weight: 0,813]
high Neuroticism (N+) [~11% | 1:4 | weight: 0,688]
schizophrenia [~15% | 1:100 | weight: 0,02]


diabetes mellitus type 2 [~6% | 1:12 | weight: 0,12]
psoriasis [~6% | 1:50 | weight: 0,03]
rheumatoid arthritis [~6% | 1:100 | weight: 0,015]
trisomy 21 (= Down syndr.) [~40% | 1:700 | w: 0,014]
trisomy 18 (= Edwards s.) [~75% | 1:6K | w: 0,003]
trisomy 13 (= Patau s.) [~60% | 1:15K | w: 0,001]
fragile-X syndrome [~19% | 1:5K | weight: 0,001]
Marfan syndrome [~12% | 1:5K | weight: 0,0006]

[1st figure = prevalence hand sign in condition | 2nd
figure = prevalence condition in GP | 3rd figure =
estimated hand sign weight for condition relative
to GP (>0,5 = present in majority of GP)]

Trisomy 18 & 21 syndrome combination: single palmar crease (simian line) + single interphalangeal crease on digit 5.

Quick summary:
a small Dutch study points out to a small majority of people with a simian line scoring very high for the Big Five personality dimension Neuroticism (~50% versus only ~11% in the general population).

[In every 100 simian line cases in the general population (GP) you can expect to find about 56 low Agreeableness cases, 56 high Neuroticism cases, 12 diabetes type 2 cases, etc.]

NOTICE: Many more details about this line here: SIMIAN LINES (14 sections)

NOTICE: Keep in mind that every single hand sign always bares the potential
to have an association with multiple psychology- and/or health related themes;
a solid assessment always requires a consideration of hand sign combinations!

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TIP: 30+ Articles & news items involving the hand lines (palmar creases)
are available in the hand lines news section!

Hand Sign Tutor: find the most likely diagnostic options for 300+ hand signs instantly!

Martijn van Mensvoort - Hand Research

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